Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2016 Goal - Sub 20 min 5k!

Time to get serious! At my local 5k Parkrun I can do it in around 22:30. That's 4:30/km pace. To achieve sub 20 I need to get to a fraction under 4:00/km pace. It's gonna be tough, no doubt about it. My current pace already kills me, so I'm going to need to get in some serious training.

First goal this weekend will be to see if I can hit 4:25 pace, which would give me a race time of about 22:05. That would be a big PB for me. I will use my old Garmin 405 which has a Virtual Partner function - you set the pace you want to achieve and it tells you how far ahead/behind you are.

As well as training I need to lose some weight. I'm currently 78kg, which is down from 82kg last year. That's still too heavy though. According to Runners World if I lose 5lbs my 5k time could improve by 30 secs. Lots of assumptions in that article though. I would like to achieve 75kg which is a 6.6lb loss.

I'll try and do the same Parkrun most weeks to gauge my progress. I'll also post my weight to see if there is any correlation.

By the way I am 48 this year...yikes!

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