Beat my first marathon time by 5 mins, which is good 'cos this one was way hillier. I paced it almost perfectly as you can see from this Garmin output:
The spikes are where I walked through the drink stations and a toilet stop. Average pace was about 6:08 mins/km which I maintained to the end. In fact, the last km was my quickest at 5:38 mins!
Overall an improvement on my last marathon 8 weeks ago where I faded badly after 35km. One thing I changed this time round was to take a solid Powerbar and some snakes with me. I was pretty hungry by 32k and the Powerbar was just the ticket. I ate the snakes throughout the race, had some leftover at the end. There was plenty of water and powerade on the course so no liquid issues.
The day itself was fun, met up with loads of CoolRunners, the course was great and very scenic taking in the Swan River, Kings Park and round Challenge Stadium. It was fun joining up with the 12k runners at the halfway point, although by the time I got there most had disappeared and it was only the walkers left.
The only downside was getting home after the event which took an age on bus, train and foot.
Next stop is 6min kms the whole way, but not till next year :-)